This script uses the Maxmind GeoIP redirection which in this case is hosted by which will return a XML with the details of the visitors IP.
<?php //Start session to avoid infinity loops session_start(); // store session data $_SESSION['geo']=1; //Get the client country and set ip that not be redirected $countriesrow = array('US','CA','AP','AR','BR','CN','CL','CO','CR','GT','HK','JP','KR','MX','SG','TH','TW'); //These are the countries that would be redirected to the normal site $countrieseuro = array('AT','BE','BG','CH','CZ','DE','DK','EE','EG','ES','EU','FI','FR','GB','GR','HR','HU', 'IE','IL','IN','IS','IT','LU','LV','MA','MC','NL','NO','PL','PT','RO','RS','RU','SE','SI','SK','UA','ZA'); //This will be redirected to the eu version $admin = ''; //Put here your IP //Get the client IP $ipc = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $surl = "".$ipc; //Check if freegeoip is available $response = get_headers($surl); $response = $response[0]; if ($response == "HTTP/1.1 200 OK") { $avl = 1; } else { $avl = 0; } if ($avl == 1){ $getxml = trim(file_get_contents($surl)); // get raw post data + trim out the spaces $xmlsimp = new SimpleXMLElement($getxml); // convert to object array $ccode = $xmlsimp->CountryCode; // returns the country code of the visitor example "US" } $country = $ccode; //$xmlsimp->Ip; // returns the Ip address of the visitor $gurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //returns the current URL $parts = explode('/',$gurl); $cdir = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts) - 1; $i++) { $cdir .= $parts[$i] . "/"; } $urlParts = explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $subdomain = $urlParts[0]; //or 0 if no www if ($subdomain !== "eu" && in_array($country, $countrieseuro) && $_SESSION['geo'] == 1 && $avl == 1 && ($admin !== $ipc)) { header('Location:' . $gurl . ''); exit; } elseif ($subdomain !== "eu" && in_array($country, $countrieseuro) && $_SESSION['geo'] == 1 && $avl == 1 && ($admin !== $ipc)) { header('Location:' . $gurl . ''); exit; } ?>