Category Archives: Linux

WordPress white page with Nginx and php-fpm

One of the reasons for this and nothing in the logs might be newer version of Nginx which and you will have to replace in your configuration

include fastcgi_params;


include fastcgi.conf;

Another problem is that you might need to add

fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME    $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

in /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params , might be called also /etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf
It can also be added where your php setting block in Nginx is.

Might expand the post in the future with other possible reasons.

Encrypt and decrypt files with openssl

If you need easy way to encrypt and decrypt files on linux systems, one way you can go is to use openssl, usually it is available on most servers,


openssl aes-256-cbc -iter 1000 -salt -e -in -out file.enc


openssl aes-256-cbc -iter 1000 -salt -d -in file.enc -out

You should also be able to use it with des3, but I haven’t tested the fallowing:


openssl des3 -salt -in file-plain.txt -out file-encrypted.txt.des3


openssl des3 -d -salt -in file-encrypted.txt.des3 -out file-plain.txt

Calculate total size of files listed

Sometimes you need to know the combined size of a given files that are combined with other files in the same dir, either by their extension or by some other property.

This example is based on file extension, but can be adapted to any other results you like find to return:

find . -name "mysql-bin.*.1" -size +1000000c -print0 | du -hc --files0-from=- | awk 'END{print $1}'

Stop and remove all docker containers and images

If you want to save some time removing all containers, you can use this two command(the first one is to stop all if there are some running):

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

You can also remove all the images with:

docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)

Be aware that the -f option will force delete even images that are being used.

Hits per second, hits per minute

In case you need to generate file from a log with the number of hits per second or minute you can use the fallowing commands-

Hits per second –

cat access.log | cut -d[ -f2 | cut -d] -f1 | awk 'BEGIN { FS=":" } ; { print $1":"$2":"$3":"$4 }'| sort | uniq -c >/home/user/hits-per-sec

Hits per minute –

cat access.log | cut -d[ -f2 | cut -d] -f1 | awk 'BEGIN { FS=":" } ; { print $1":"$2":"$3 }' | sort | uniq -c >/home/user/hits-per-min

SFTP upload on one line

This can be used in a script to schedule uploads, however it is not recommended to use it and store passwords in plain text, but sometimes you might not have choice if you don’t control the remote server.

You will also need the sshpass package installed.

sshpass -p "password" sftp <<< $'put /var/www/*.Products.csv'

Ubuntu 16.04 – Install Apache2 and php7

I have experimented some time ago, with php7, as described in this post. At that time that wasn’t official realease, however the link seems to pick up on some searches in google, and there was some confusion for people expecting this to be copy/paste guide.

So I would try to fix these and outline the steps to install Apache2 with php7 on the latest server LTS Ubuntu – 16.04.01 – freshly downloaded from the official site, at the time of the writing.

First, the two most repeated commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

That will update any software installed on the server distro.

Then install apache2 –

sudo apt-get install apache2

Open the IP of the server you have installed it on and you should be presented with the default apache web page, if nothing is showing, you need to check if apache2 is running and if the firewall/ufw is blocking requests.

It comes the turn to install mysql –

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

You will be asked to provide password for the MySQL root user, you should be aware this is not the same user as the Linux root user, it is different one having rights to do everything with every database in MySQL, so it is a good idea to pick a different password then the ones you are using currently in the system.

After installation is finished, we will have to run buil-in script to tighten some of the security for MySQL and clean up some things –

sudo mysql_secure_installation

You will be asked for you the root password (MySQL root user), and then to choose a level for password validation:

There are three levels of password validation policy:

LOW Length >= 8

MEDIUM Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, and special characters

STRONG Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, special characters and dictionary file Please enter 0 = LOW, 1 = MEDIUM and 2 = STRONG: 1

They are self explainatory, but I don’t really like password validators – I find them stupid security measure, especially on the level of MySQL server/users. So I would set that to 0/low for machines I am using.

You should read the questions and answer then with ‘y’ or ‘no’, in the past it was fine to answer all with ‘y/yes’ however, now I am noticing that the first question is “Change the password for root” – you might not really want to do that, so the best thing is to read what are you actually asked.


Ok, so we are getting there, let’s install php7 with the apache mod –

sudo apt-get install php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0-mcrypt php7.0-mysql

Then you could check the php version in the terminal with –

php -v

And the final step is to be sure apache is interpreting php in the browser.

First, become root with –

sudo -i

Then will add php info page to the server web root directory, so we could open it in our browser after that to verify it is running properly on check all the configuration details for php –

echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?> > /var/www/html/info.php'

After that you should navigate in your browser to the IP your server is listening to, and add /info.php after it, so it would look something like this –

That’s pretty much for it, but this where the complicated things starts from.

Dump and compress all MySQL databases

This is a little variation of a script I used in the past, what will do is find all databases, and export them compressed, with piping to gzip.

MYSQLDUMP="$(which mysqldump)"
DBS=`mysql -e"show databases"`

#Remove	old dumps
rm -f $DIR/*.sql*

if [ $DATABASE != "Database" ]; then
$MYSQLDUMP $DATABASE --single-transaction | gzip > $DIR/$FILENAME.sql.gz

rm -f $DIR/information_schema.sql*
rm -f $DIR/performance_schema.sql*

.my.cnf file contents:


.my.cnf file should be in the user directory owned by him with permissions 600 or even 400

Enable Wake On Lan (WoL) on Ubuntu 16.04

If you have bought crappy motherboard from gigabyte like me that doesn’t even have support for WoL in the BIOS, and no-brand ethernet for which even the manufacturer can’t tell you if it support WoL(such unique feature!), then you will have to buy additional NIC, and add few line to the file:


and add the following

auto enp3s0
iface enp3s0 inet dhcp
	up ethtool -s enp3s0 wol g

where enp3s0 is your interface name.

Or you can just buy yourself something decent.