centos – Reffffference https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com For my personal reference purposes Fri, 15 Feb 2019 15:47:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 106465655 CentOS Configure account to never expire / fix cron problem https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/centos-configure-account-to-never-expire-fix-cron-problem/ https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/centos-configure-account-to-never-expire-fix-cron-problem/#disqus_thread Fri, 15 Feb 2019 15:47:08 +0000 https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/?p=941 CentOS have security measure to force users password expiration which can cause problems.
For example – you do not use passwords to log in to machines, and you prefer ssh keys. And the day the password for that user expires its cron jobs will stop working.

You can fix it with one of these, I prefer removing the expiration with chage:

chage -M -1 root


passwd -x -1 root

You can confirm with:

chage -l root
https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/centos-configure-account-to-never-expire-fix-cron-problem/feed/ 0 941
osTicket nginx config https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/osticket-nginx-config/ https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/osticket-nginx-config/#disqus_thread Tue, 31 Oct 2017 18:18:55 +0000 https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/?p=823 Had to install osTicket recently, and it had bit of a problems with the ajax requests returning 404.
This config should be enough to get you started, you might not even need to change it, well besides the obvious things like server name and root.
Ideally it shouldn’t have if blocks, but I am too lazy right now to refine it.

server {
        root /var/www/osticket/;
        index index.php index.html;
        listen 80;

        server_name domain.com;

        set $path_info "";

        # Deny access to everything inside the include directory
        location ~ ^/include {
                deny all;
                return 403;

        # Deny access to .htaccess
        location ~ /\.ht {
                deny all;

        # Requests to /api/* need their PATH_INFO set, this does that
        if ($request_uri ~ "^/api(/[^\?]+)") {
                set $path_info $1;

        # /api/*.* should be handled by /api/http.php if the requested file does not exist
        location ~ ^/api/(tickets|tasks)(.*)$ {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /api/http.php;

        # /scp/ajax.php needs PATH_INFO too
        if ($request_uri ~ "^/scp/.*\.php(/[^\?]+)") {
                set $path_info $1;

        # Catch requests to /scp/ajax.php/some/path and redirect them to ajax.php
        location ~ ^/scp/ajax.php/(.*)$ {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /scp/ajax.php;

        # Set index.php as directory index
        location / {
                index index.php;

        # PHP-FPM listening on or on a socket
        location ~ \.php$ {
                try_files $uri =404;
                #fastcgi_pass    unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
                fastcgi_index   index.php;
                fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME         $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
                fastcgi_param   PATH_INFO               $path_info;
                include fastcgi_params;
https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/osticket-nginx-config/feed/ 1 823
Mount SSHFS volumes in fstab with ssh key https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/mount-sshfs-volumes-in-fstab-with-ssh-key/ https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/mount-sshfs-volumes-in-fstab-with-ssh-key/#disqus_thread Thu, 05 Oct 2017 17:03:43 +0000 https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/?p=818 SSHFS on command line usually takes the ssh key with the -o, option which doesn’t really work when adding it in fstab. If you look around the internet you most probably found that people recommend adding fstab records with the -o option, but this wont work, simply add the key as another regular fstab option –

sshfs#USER@domain.com:/data/www /mnt/logs/  fuse IdentityFile=/home/USER/.ssh/id_rsa,uid=UID,gid=GUID,users,idmap=user,noatime,allow_other,_netdev,reconnect,ro 0 0 

Replace USER with the user who connects to the remote server and UID and GUID with the ones from the remote server.
The above also mounts the remote system as read-only so you wont be able to write on the mount.

https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/mount-sshfs-volumes-in-fstab-with-ssh-key/feed/ 0 818
Rsyslog don’t work after settings change. https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/rsyslog-dont-work-after-settings-change/ https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/rsyslog-dont-work-after-settings-change/#disqus_thread Thu, 28 Sep 2017 23:01:30 +0000 https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/?p=816 Got into strange issue where rsyslog will stop logging at all without warnings or logging errors. This happened after simple settings change which should not cause problems.
Well you need not only to restart rsylog, you need as well to restart systemd journald service.
At least this solved it for me.

systemctl restart systemd-journald
https://ivan.reallusiondesign.com/rsyslog-dont-work-after-settings-change/feed/ 0 816